Ideologist+ Architects

About Us

An idea lies at the heart of any human activity. This is also true for architecture, art, brand — this is what Ideologist builds its work on. We help ideas become a reality by creating shapes and spaces filled with designated meaning and content, which delivers unique user experience.

What we do
Ideologist Architecture & Design
For each project we choose the best architect from among our partners, who then works with a team of experts, planners and engineers. For each case we design bespoke solutions based on our knowledge and experience and discussions with our client, whether we work on an architectural project for a private residence or an interior design for a city apartment.
Ideologist Production
No aesthetics, no matter how stunning or unique, can override building and safety regulations. Every project is developed using the most advanced comprehensive architecture and building design techniques, such as Revit and high-detail planning.
Ideologist Concept
A strong concept is the key to success for a property, public or residential space. Our design is not only about aesthetics and functionality, it goes deeper to the underlying meanings and ideology, which helps deliver project’s value to client's target audience.
Ideologist Integration
Today's stores and restaurants are not about what they sell but rather about how they bring consumers and brands together. Our cross-functional team designs environments and spaces meeting the needs of our client's customers and enabling effective brand communications.
Ideologist Art
Using our expertise in the art and design market, we can build art collections and select objets d'art both for interior design and investment purposes. Our art consultants are there to help you whether you're interested in acquisition and commissioning of artwork or expansion of your private art collection.
Our Projects
Coming up with an idea is not enough, it takes much more to make it a reality, and this is where our detailed approach to project development comes in handy as it helps us implement projects as close to plan as possible. Attention to detail and more than a decade of experience allow us to work with complex spaces, find innovative technical solutions and be on budget.
Our Values and Mission
The Japanese view on space as something that is not archaic and inherent only in traditional culture is very important to us. In the 21st century, the concept that the place where you live is an extension of your inner world is more relevant than ever. It is seen as a source of spiritual power that harmonizes and nourishes one's resources.
+ More
The Japanese sense of perfection
Continuous communication with our clients
engineering techniques
Holistic approach: from concept design
to art consulting
Japanese experience

"Most design studios are founded by one or a few architects to pursue their own style and vision, our case is different. We have grown out of a Japanese art gallery, created to meet the intangible needs of its customers and more importantly – to become a doorway to the world of Eastern culture, offer the iconic ""Japanese"" service, provide support and guidance on every step of becoming an owner of a unique exhibit and through that embrace a life changing experience. More about our Japanese experience"

Раскрыть больше японского опыта

Поиск многослойных смыслов и внимание к деталям является общеизвестной чертой японского творчества, в то время как кропотливое самосовершенствование становится постоянной целью мастера и превращает ремесло в преодоление границ человеческих способностей. Архитектура и дизайн Страны восходящего солнца - не исключение. К архитекторам в Японии обращаются “сэнсей” - так же, как к учителям, мастерам боевых искусств или художникам. Их труд высоко ценят, поскольку он сочетает решение практических вопросов малой площади участков или сложных географических условий с воплощением эстетических и духовных ценностей заказчика.

Благодаря продолжительной работе с японскими архитекторами и опыту адаптации проектов в России мы переняли особенности их восприятия и работы. Наш подход к архитектуре и дизайну основывается не на сиюминутных трендах, а на вневременных принципах интеграции пространства, материалов и света. Мы стремимся создавать объекты, чьи глубинные смыслы с достоинством выдержат испытания временем.

К нашей радости, японское понимание пространства как продолжения человека нашло глобальный отклик и в современной архитектуре. Наше портфолио отличается большим разнообразием проектов разного характера и назначения - мы сознательно воспринимаем каждую новую задачу как возможность пересмотреть свое понимание работы, найти новые решения и не потакать присущей людям слабости выбирать рутинные и традиционные методы.